Why Does My Business Need A Company Handbook?
A company handbook is a guide for employees. It can also be called a staff handbook, employee handbook or employee manual. For new employees, it is a critical document that sets the scene as to what should be expected when working with you.

Christmas Party – Top Tips Guide For HR And Business Owners
Christmas is just around the corner and many companies will likely be planning the annual Christmas party. However, you may not be thinking about the dangers of employee misconduct.

Battling Burnout In 2023: Reclaiming Balance And Well-being
In this blog, we will explore the insidious nature of burnout, its impact on mental and physical health, and most importantly, the proactive steps we can take to prevent and overcome it!

Outstanding Alumni And Industry Fellow Award
This has to be my favourite award of all time… Me and my family had such a special day last Friday at Nottingham Trent University where I was honoured to receive the ‘Outstanding Alumni Fellow Award’.

Four Key Bills Receive Royal Assent
May was a busy year for the progress of HR and Employment bills, with four we have previously covered completing their passage through Parliament and receiving Royal Assent – the final stage of their journey into law.

National Standards For Menopause And Menstrual Support At Work Launched
The British Standards Institute (BSI) has launched new standards for menstruation, menstrual health and menopause support in the workplace.

Top 5 HR Challenges For Startups And Small Businesses In 2023
As a startup or small business owner, you may find yourself facing a variety of challenges as you try to grow and establish your company. One area that can be particularly tricky to navigate is Human Resources (HR).

Get Set For The New Financial Year With My HR Hub
Is your business ready to face the new financial year? In association with our Partners, My HR Hub are delighted to offer three complementary services to help businesses get set for the new financial year.

Budget 2023: Key Points For HR
Yesterday (15th March) The Chancellor delivered the UK Government’s Spring budget, chock full of headline figures, forecasts and tax and spending plans.