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Why purchasing a HR system is one of the best things you can do for your business

This is where using a digital HR management system like Breathe to collect your business’s data in one easy to use and accessible place could save you a lot of time, stress and money.

Here are three main reasons (of many) to use a digital HR management system in your business:

  • Save drastic amounts of time through the automation of your processes

  • Enhanced data security and increased accuracy of data obtained

  • The ability to access your office data anywhere anytime (perfect for home working!)

With a digital HR mangement system you can make your life a lot easier with the automation of many important HR processes – such as employees reporting their absences (and the automatic recording of this), requests for annual leave, updating personal information and much more.

This automation allows you to completley abolish many repetitive and sometimes exhausting HR tasks that require the chasing of employees and line managers – such as annual reviews – as the software does this for you!

HR and management have the option to customise settings on Breathe for their own company, such as allowing or restricting access to sensitive information on the software. Along with this you also have the additional peace of mind that comes with having sensitive data and files stored securely in the cloud – helping you adhere to data protection rules.

Integrated systems on HR management software like Breathe allows you to be more productive and save you valuable time with HR and management tasks and processes through the easy availability of valuable data and KPI’s on important HR and business areas such as staff absences (including your Bradford Factor).

In a time when working from home has gone from being a relative niche to a widespread norm, along with expectations for it to largely continue in some form after the pandemic – being able to access your business’s important information anywhere, anytime and securely is a huge advantage for your business, your productivity and your sanity. There’s never been a better time to get it!

My HR Hub will be holding a FREE demo of the Breathe HR management system for all those interested on Thursday 26th November at 2pm.

Key features of Breathe will be demonstrated on the software and attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions. Find out more about the content of this demo and Breathe here.

You can check out the Breathe website for yourself here.

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