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Panellist deep dive – Kat Chu

Kat Chu is a fourth-generation Chinese doctor and wellbeing expert. She takes a pragmatic approach, using the latest scientific research to demystify the ancient art of classical Chinese Medicine for the modern western world.

An active ambassador of the Creative Industries, Kat specialises in aiding people in their health and wellbeing journeys, teaching them how to apply realistic practices to their modern-day lifestyles and creating space to get them back into their bodies and make time for themselves.

Kat has worked with Nottingham City Council, Nottingham City Hospital and the Queens Medical Centre. She is a regular on BBC Radio Nottingham Health Headlines and is a member of the College of Medicine. Kat also runs a successful community clinic and has worked as a volunteer with victims of war.

On the Creative Coalition 2020 and her chance to be a part of our panel discussion Reigniting your people plans, Kat said: “I’m delighted to be a part of this panel. Since the beginning of lockdown, I have been working with lots of creatives – helping them to find solutions rather than dwell on problems. I’m excited to be able to share some of these success stories and the simple processes I have developed to aid everyone during this testing time.

“Having run a hugely successful wellbeing business and been involved in the music industry for years, it is of particular interest to me to be able to share my knowledge with Creative Industries Federation members.”

The Creative Coalition festival is the inaugural joint event between Creative England and the Creative Industries Federation. Streaming live across the country, this 3-day virtual festival will explore the future of the UK’s creative landscape – bringing together the country’s finest creators, makers, leaders and innovators, at a time when they need it most, to reimagine, redefine and reignite the creative industries. Tickets are free and open to all, they are available here.

My HR Hub’s event for the festival, Reigniting your people plans, will be delivered on Wednesday 11th November 2020 at 11:10am.

Click here to find out about Kat.

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