John Stallard has been in the Gaming industry since leaving Polytechnic, a grand total of 39 years. Starting out with the hugely successful Games Workshop, John worked his way up the factory floor doing all manner of posts, ending up as Group sales director, followed by a 4-year stint running Games Workshop’s USA division.
Thirteen years ago, he was made redundant and considered a career outside of the hobby world, however, he instead decided it would be fun to produce the same sort of models that he knew of – but with a historical theme. A set of plastic Romans were commissioned and from there grew his current company, Warlord Games, a model and game company based in Lenton, Nottingham.
Warlord Games currently sells worldwide with an excellent website and a sales team in the USA, France, Germany and Spain – dealing with 750 trade customers worldwide.
It currently employs 93 staff and is in the process of moving lock stock and barrel to a new site in the shadow of Games Workshop’s main office.
Commenting on the Creative Coalition Festival and his chance to contribute to My HR Hub’s panel discussion Reigniting your people plans, John said: “I am very much looking forward to helping out with the Creative Industries Federation Creative Coalition, there is so much transferable knowledge and shared practices to learn from. I’m particularly proud that my team are vertically integrated and export 60% of what we produce abroad.”
My HR Hub’s event for the festival, Reigniting your people plans, will be delivered on Wednesday 11th November 2020 at 11:10am. Tickets are FREE and open to all.
Click here to check out the Warlord Games website.
Follow Warlord Games on Twitter and Instagram.
Read more about our session for the Creative Coalition festival here.