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My HR Hub Line Manager Training 2021

With over 45 different courses on offer and the opportunity to bespoke training courses to your business, we can provide the training and guidance that your staff need to excel in their roles, ensure legal, ethical and procedural compliance and elevate your business’s people management skills.

All of our training is designed to be delivered in an interactive way and can be delivered remotely with no limit on attendees. We can also deliver training that is bespoke to the specific needs and challenges of your business and its staff.

Examples of the line manager training courses we can deliver include:

  • Employee maternity leave and pay

  • Time management

  • Dealing with performance issues

  • Investigations/greivance/disciplinary

  • Managing a remote or hybrid workforce

  • Best practice redundancy processes

  • Long-term sickness absence in the workplace

  • Handling requests for flexible working

  • Dignity at work training

  • Line manager employment law essentials

  • And much, much more.

All workshops last one hour and will also include associated documentation.

If you would like to discuss the training needs of your business or view a full list of training courses available, please click here to get in touch with us.

My HR Hub clients on a full retainer can request line manager training courses at no additional cost. Please speak to your HR business partner for more information.

Book an informal chat

For an informal chat about how we can help you and your business, you can contact us: