Starting today (19th January 2022) guidance to work from home where possible has ended. Other Plan B measures, such as mandatory face masks in indoor public spaces and the requirement for an NHS Covid Pass to enter large, crowded venues, will end on January 26th.
Employers who have staff working from home can now begin to plan for the safe return of their employees back to the workplace.
How should employers handle the return to the workplace?
Rachael Moyers, HR Business Partner at My HR Hub, commented: “If you are looking to bring employees back into the workplace, it can be a good idea to have a one-to-one discussion with them to allow them the opportunity to raise any concerns or worries they may have about the change.
“Although restrictions are being lifted, infection rates are still high which may be of concern for some people still, especially if they have an underlying health condition or live with, or care for, someone who is clinically vulnerable
“These discussions can really help to alleviate any feelings of anxiety and can be a useful platform to run through any practicalities relating to the return, for example if you still require staff to wear masks in the workplace or socially distance.
“Also consider how the change may affect those who have remained within the workplace. They could also have concerns about having more people back in the workplace, so don’t exclude them from any company communications regarding these plans and allow them the option to discuss this with you if needed.”
Whilst ‘Plan B’ measures will end on January 26th, the legal requirement to self-isolate if you test positive will remain in place.
Free return to the workplace discussion form
If you will now be bringing your employees back to the workplace after a period working from home, we have a free discussion form you can use in one-to-one chats with your employees – allowing them to raise any concerns they may have.
You can download this free form here.
My HR Hub retained clients and My HR Club members can download this form from the My HR Club portal.
In need of additional HR advice or support? The team at My HR Hub & My HR Club are ready to provide support and guidance. You can contact us through our website for a free exploratory chat.
We can provide support on an hourly, ad-hoc, project or retained basis. Please enquire for more information.